This week in The Rose and Rockstar, ignoring the advice of Mark Twain, the chaps tackle brands navigating the politicization of everything.
This week in The Rose and Rockstar, over a cachaça cocktail, Ian and Robert discuss the future (or not) of corporate websites.
This week in The Rose and Rockstar, over a luxurious cocktail, Ian and Robert discuss thought leadership in the AI age and the importance of charisma.
This week in The Rose and Rockstar, over a fabulous cocktail, Ian and Robert discuss the power of saying no in marketing.
This week in The Rose and Rockstar, over a fabulous cocktail, Ian asks Robert Rose the big B2B question - to gate or not to gate.
On our fifth visit to the virtual bar as its own show - The Rose and Rockstar - Ian asks Robert Rose the big question - is marketing getting harder?
Our fourth visit to the virtual bar as its own show - The Rose and Rockstar - and our second dip into the process of writing a book.
Our third visit to the virtual bar with its own show - The Rose and Rockstar - where we enjoy a cocktail and a marketing conversation.
Our second visit to the virtual bar with its own show - The Rose and Rockstar - where we enjoy a cocktail and a marketing conversation.
Our virtual bar has a new name and its own show - welcome to The Rose and Rockstar - come enjoy a cocktail and a chat about marketing.