May 15, 2020

Rockstar CMO FM #10 - A backstage return for Miss Destructo and a cocktail

Rockstar CMO FM #10 - A backstage return for Miss Destructo and a cocktail

In this week's episode, Ian Truscott, Founding Editor of Rockstar CMO dips into the latest issue, suggests article you might want to take a look at, he finally gets to chat with Amber "Miss Destructo" Osborne and joins Robert Rose in the virtual bar and asks him what he's drinking. 

The article we feature this week is Getting a buzz from virtual events from Dennis Shiao, who attended a virtual event about events and shares some of that experience. 

Forbes ranked Amber Osbourne as the second most influential CMO on Twitter, and we learn her story, from selling music merch to being a serial startup tech marketer and AR/VR evangelist and expert. We also learn about karaoke and what she would chuck into the Rockstar CMO Swimming pool. 

In the last segment, we join Robert Rose, Chief Troublemaker at The Content Advisory in our virtual bar, and ask him what's drinking, as he shares his #fridayconcoction and what we would be the one thing we would take from a conversation with him after a couple of his cocktails.  




Piano Music by Johnny Easton Shared Under Creative Commons License